
The band of Modern Sky's label White Cat Laundry called Da Seven has released their first full-length album in 2023.
Thoughts and questions the band asked while creating:
Throw time into space, knead and refold it,
All the scenes are scattered in disorder like a slide show,
and time will no longer be linear, but will tend to be disordered.
Reality, redefined.
And when we stand in front of the choice, we can skip the pain and loss,
Find the territory of your dreams.
Is that really?
The design responds based on the special theory of relativity and Minkowski space-time:
In mathematical physics, Minkowski spacetime refers to a four-dimensional manifold composed of three-dimensional Euclidean space and time.
The time and space interval between any two events has nothing to do with the inertial system in which they are based.

Digital print
The series of posters was about observation. When I was surfing on Google Maps, the top view of the artificial constructions on satellite mode was so attractive, if I explored them constantly, I would find amazing shapes, an American airport in the desert, a tennis court in HK, or a certain farm situated in Brazil. I explored a lot of places and collected them together, I found that these shapes could be certain typefaces, an "A", a "C", an "X" etc., which made me put them in Adobe Ai and play around with them. Through combination, composition, separation, and reconstruction, I realized these constructions didn't need to be designed overdone, just "zoom in" them.
Therefore, I tried to pick several characters like T H E A R C to make the posters, the ARC represents "ARCHITECTURE", that is what I got from Google Maps.

Digital print
My intention was about TOOLS, when I was exploring Google Maps, I
found many artificial constructions, then collected their
silhouettes to be my design tools and forgot their appearance. They can
be stencilled like the parts of the manufactures, even we don't know the
prompt Magazine, prototype

Digital print
A magazine about the image AI generators which is from the final task of RCA Editorial Design online short course: to design a magazine.
My question was: What would it be like if I were to design a magazine about AI subject? Including fantastic images, extremely technology or do something beyond these? How to challenge the normal convention?
Eventually, I made a book completely without any images, all images were all appeared by a broken image frame and the prompt. That’s what I want to express: Nerdy, weird, avant-garde, experimental.

MULTIPLE SIZEDa Seven uses the "Major Seventh Chord" as its main configuration. The band is configured with bass, guitar, keyboard and drums, and uses math rock as its core style to create songs. Most of the songs have bass and keyboard as the main line, supplemented by odd beats and wrong beats as the structure, which is convenient and distinctive. The first EP was released in 2019, and the label White Cat Laundry was launched on Modern Sky in 2023 to release its first full-length album. This logo is used on the new album. The orchestra's image is based on the “大七乐团” combined with simple graphics. In the conceptual extension, the Chinese character "seven" and the number "7" are used to perform rich graphical interpretations, thereby indicating the core concept of its music creation.